I've wondered for a long time what Kings Peak was like, the tallest peak in Utah. What was it visually like? How was the approach to the peak and what did it feel like to be at the top? I got to discover Kings Peak, finally, this September at age 32 (don't know why I'm saying my age, just am)!The approach was amazing! It was a beautiful lush valley that went on for miles with a mellow gradient, that didn't get you tired until the saddle of Kings Peak. Camped at the base of the Saddle and woke up just in time to see the sunrise hitting the farthest points of the range. After you climb the saddle you come to a second part that turns flat and you cross a boulder field until the next UP section. Top of Kings Peak! At the top you can see directly South of you, "South Kings Peak," another high mountain that comes second in highest. Feeling gun-ho we hiked down and back up to the next peak which was really cool. Top of South Kings Peak Picking and wandering around the Uintah's after reaching the top of Kings Peak was one of my favorite things. I felt like a mountain goat. The valley on the other side of the lower saddle. We choose a trail that walked right through it right back to camp. I'm happy that Kings Peak is no longer a mystery but I didn't mind it being a mystery because I had something to look forward to. What's next?
While visiting Oahu I took a jumper plane to another Island - Kauai! I have always wanted to hike the Na Pali Coast after seeing Meg and Corbins beautiful pictures of their trip from when they were in college and dating!
This spider ended up on my face!
After landing at the airport, me and my friend Chris hitched a ride to Wailua to kayak to Secret Falls. It was full of tourists, me being one of them, but kayaking the wide river and doing the hike to the falls was very enjoyable! Afterwards we rode a bus to Hanalei to camp on the party beach. I dreamt of the Na Pali coast and woke up ready to see the place!
The view from the start of the Na Pali Coast trail. Here we come 11 miles!There were a few bathrooms along the Na Pali coast trail. OH MY to the bathroom scene. Tiny frog. Tiny, tiny frog!
Wow- so awesome!
Almost there!
Yeah I'm here at the Kalalau beach, my destination. We stayed there four days and three nights eating lots of mangos, swimming in the ocean, wandering the beach, standing under waterfalls, doing yoga and watching amazing sunsets! Wow - I feel so blessed to have experienced it!
Hiking up the Kalalau Valley. That's where we picked our mangos and swam in the river.
Our dinner table every evening!Chris washing the dishes from dinner. Yes, the shower at Kalalau Beach!
Meg and Corbin are so awesome! They let me stay at their home for over two weeks and I was able to hang out and grow closer to their family! I love Indie and Tosh so much! (I miss them)Our day at China Man's Hat. (I call it Mexican Hat on accident all of the time! I think it's because of the San Juan River- it has a Mexican Hat as a landmark but in Hawaii it's China Man's hat).
There was plenty of surfing to be had! Rip it up Indie and Corbin! Climbing at Wiamea Beach . . . I wish I had my climbing shoes! Snorkeling at Shark's Cove (Lisa Style, so I heard) Sea Kayaking to Goat Island and the Moakes. What an awesome thing to do! Typical beach scene! I loved Ahola Friday's! The Zoo and it's slide! Sunset Beach Hiking Tiger Mountain!
Indie's Birthday Party! I was so happy to be there! It was a Charlie and Lola birthday party theme and a success it was! Indie and her friends loved it!